Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Handmade Cards

My Major at Concordia - St. Paul was Studio Arts and my minor was photography. I loved all my classes and loved being creative everyday! It is so much harder to continue to create things now that I am out of school. Especially, not having studio space to use with all the tools at my hands. A way for me to keep creating is to make handmade cards! I love mixed media, I am able to use that by creating cards. I love putting different elements into one card to make it look as one. Plus, this way I always have cards to give for those special occasions, that always seem to pop up! Which reminds me that it's my parents anniversary tmrw! I think I will use the first card below! If your ever looking for a handmade card, I would love to create one for you

All cards/photos copyright of KMW photography, 2009

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